3 Tips To Finding Your Creative Outlet
You have that itch to create something, but you’re unsure of what that something should be. I’ve been there. For most of my 20’s I had a consistent urge to do something creative, and to become creative. I may have been Pinterest’s biggest pinner, as I scoured each pin and organized what I might be able to do that would ease my creative itch. Can you relate?
Over the next few weeks I want to dive into the topic of creativity and share a few things I’ve learned from my journey from searching for my creativity to being a published and professional nature photographer.
Here’s 3 suggestions that I have for you that helped me find my creativity, and I hope it inspires or ignites you to find your own creative outlet.
1) What Draws You?
No, I don’t mean pencil and ink. What draws your heartstrings, and gets you excited. Before you answer that question and remove it from your list, don’t close yourself off to “I can’t do that”. If you have the desire – write it down!
I always wanted to paint. My great-grandfather was an amazing artist, my aunt and her daughter are both artists, and I spent my teenage and young adult years thinking the painting gene must have skipped me. That is until I realized it didn’t. Which leads me to my next tip:
2) Take A Class
Before you limit yourself with a bunch of unnecessary “I cant’s”, find a class or an introductory course and give it a try. You’ll never know until you try.
As mentioned above, I didn’t realize I could paint until I went to an art studio and studied under a painter. Each Thursday night spent in the studio after work was like meeting myself and having my eyes open to what could be possible. Sure classes will require a financial investment but give it a try. Before you sign up for ongoing courses, inquire if the place offers an introductory class to get your toes wet.
3) Let It Grow
As creatives (yes, you are) it can be tempting to jump from one project or genre of art to another before truly giving it a chance. Be thoughtful when you choose what you might want to do, and let your heart lead.
Most importantly of all, try new things! You are your biggest limitation! Follow your urge to create and get started!
I’d love to hear what your creative outlet is or what you are considering trying! Leave me a note in the comments and I’ll respond!
July 15, 2018Maybe taking a linguistics, Greek or Hebrew course in the next couple of semesters. DTS maybe???
July 15, 2018TAKE ME WOTH YOU!!! 🤣😂
July 17, 2018My creative outlet is Photography!!!! Looking forward to our next adventure!!! Looking forward to your 3 part Creativity Series!
July 17, 2018Thanks Fran! You’ll be here before we know it! I sure do appreciate your encouragement!