A Day Of Preparation

It’s a day of preparation. Whether you’re preparing for Christmas by decorating your home and tree, or you’re preparing by being out among the crowds shopping for presents, you’re likely spending the day in preparation.
In 24 hours we’ve made the transition of passing from autumn and a season of thanks, to a season of giving.
Harvest is a time where we are gathering and bringing close that which we have labored over, sown, and now reaped. We are able to gather our harvest because our bounty has been blessed by His faithfulness and His Presence.
The blessings have been gathered, the barns are full and now its the season of giving. Sacrifice is the source of the entire story. Someone left His Palace, His Throne, His Family, and entered the most vulnerable state in human existence, as a newborn. I can’t think of a greater sacrifice. If the sacrifice comes easy, you need to question its authenticity.
When we take the time to prepare, our outcome is always improved. This is true in the marketplace, with family, right down to preparation on a Sunday morning for worship. What if we put the same effort into preparing our hearts for Christmas as we do our homes?
During this preparation, let’s look deeper into the meaning of the season, past the enviable gifts, and towards authentically giving of ourselves, and one of our most precious commodities: time.
This day of transition is accompanied by familiar Christmas carols, the scent of pine drifting through our home, lights sparkling under the stars of heaven, and is always accompanied by a season of wishes and wonders.
As with all things, the preparation of our hearts, and reflecting on what really matters in our lives will be our single greatest action towards making this holiday season perfectly magical. When we identify the thing of greatest value that we can give, I’m confident it won’t be found on Amazon, it will be found in quiet moments thoughtfully planned through preparation and executed with those we love most.
Let me be one of the first to wish you from the very bottom of my heart, a Merry Christmas.